Letter to the Editor from William Wilson: Why you should say NO to De-Annex Candidates
From a fundamental standpoint, the De-Annex candidates decided to put the wishes of a group of individuals ahead of the desire of the majority. The De-Annex Candidates, and the movement they are backed by, disregarded the will of the people who voted in favor of the new city.
We are a city now and we need ethical, transparent, and responsible candidates who will make decisions based on the enhancement of quality of life for us all. We do not need candidates who have proven, by their words and actions, they are willing to put special interest ahead of the will of the people. What happens when they are approached by developers or de-annex friends looking for “special favors”?
At their core de-annex candidates are supported by a successionist movement that spent months going door to door, having people sign a petition for the removal of part of the city. They used false narratives such as higher taxes, lower property values, etc. to scare people about what the future city would look like. They tried to have legislation passed to remove part of the map and disenfranchise the citizens of this new city. If successful they would have reduced the tax base and put in jeopardy the viability of the city before it even began. They were willing to sacrifice the good of the whole for the benefit of a few.
Having their rhetoric denied the successionist movement pivoted to have candidates run that supported their cause. Now that they are candidates, they are embracing the positive viewpoints of becoming a city that their movement rallied against. They have the nerve to promote the feasibility study, the city-light model, and the plan of “same taxes better services”, after arguing against these same issues for months. De-annex candidates talk about ethics and trust, but when it relates to the city, they will say and do anything to secure your vote.
Dr. Maya Angelou said, “When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time”.
Michael Owens – Mayor
Monica Delancey – District 2
Keisha Jeffcoat or Yashica Marshall (both wonderful) – District 3
Cassandra Brown – District 4
TJ Ferguson – District 5