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Wheel of “Good” Fortune for Garvis Sams in Cobb County


The Wheel of Fortune is a long running game show featuring Pat Sajak and his sidekick, Vanna, where contestants eagerly compete for money and prizes. Faithful viewers tune in regularly, while others catch the show whenever they can. We now have our own version of the Wheel of Fortune occurring right here in Cobb with one player and I urge the community and people who care about government to tune in as it is “must watch viewing.”

Our version features host and player – Attorney Garvis Sams, and hostess – Cobb Chair Lisa Cupid. Sams is spinning the fortune wheel in Cobb and hitting big each time. His latest spin won him a 3 to 2 vote from the Chair and her commission that approved a development in an area that will negatively impact Dobbins Air Reserve base and its $5.8 billion-dollar economic engine it fulfills for Cobb. As the Chamber pointed out the error of her ways on this vote, Vanna, I mean Cupid, is fighting tooth and nail to ensure that her Pat, excuse me, I mean Garvis, keeps his good fortunes coming even at the cost of Cobb and the citizens who reside her.

Tipsters to SPOTLIGHT have suggested that Sams has received over a half dozen approvals before the Cupid led board since she took higher office and suggests we go to the film, Cobb TV, for confirmation. They also suggested we take a look at the disclosure reports for Cupid and those who have blindly voted yes for Sams’ projects that have come before the commission – hinting that we may gain some insight as to what is really occurring here if we took a look. Some ask if good old fashion “pay to play” is now at work in Cobb?

We went to the website for Sams’ law firm and saw a listing of his past and current clients. For those with a politically curious mind and those among us who are practicing amateur sleuths in Cobb – Sams, his partners, his law firm, and his client list would be a good place for sleuths, news stations, and authorities to start looking to see if there are dots to possible ethics issues or alleged misdoings. The next time that there is a controversial issue before the board, like the Dobbins issue, we urge citizens to pull the disclosure reports. It will provide more information than anyone is willing to say out loud and confirm for sleuths if voting on issues are being done based on donors to campaigns.

Not listed on Sams’ impressive client list was the Bankhead Waste Transfer Station, a client he would rather not have us talk about, but we insist. Several years ago, our South Cobb community went to the mat to fight Sams and his client as they were illegally taking waste in our community – with the County’s knowledge. Sams mislead the County and the community as he suggested his client had a permit to take waste long before our subdivision was built. After extensive research, several trips to the state’s EPD office, and numerous Open Records Requests to the County, the community found out that Sams had lied with the intent of trying to get his client a “grandfather clause” that would have allowed them to keep operating trash and household waste next to our homes. In one such email we obtained during our fight, which was inadvertently copied to the County, Sams tells the waste station operator to keep the smell to a minimum as he was trying to get their permit passed, which tells you that he would sell our South Cobb community out for a buck as he tried then. Sams threatened a lawsuit if he did not get his way. After the Commission voted 5 – 0 against him, the client dropped their lawsuit threat and went away, but not Sams…he stuck around.

Sams licked his wounds on that fight and started making contributions to various elected officials in government or running for office, which is reflected on several disclosure reports that we have pulled. Like a good poker player, Sams waited for a good hand, which he now seems to have with the Chair and other members of the commission who seem willing to do his bidding and approve anything with his name on it, regardless of the harm it may cause.

Not to be outdone with his good fortunes with the current board and the three votes in his front pocket, some in the Mableton community suggest Sams is also an alleged Slum Lord. They have pulled the tax digest and pointed to over 30 pieces of property allegedly owned by Sams that they describe as slum homes and barns that are “dilapidated, boarded up shacks that looks like hell” (located near the hospital – around Mulkey Way and Indian). Where is Code Enforcement and why has Sams and this property not been hit with a Blight Tax? Ask Vanna, I mean Cupid. Some say that if the properties were owned by others, they would be in court having to explain themselves, but not Sams as he reigns over Cobb government and departments like a God. During our fight against the waste station, many wondered where Sams lived and if he would allow waste next to his home. The question continues, where does Sams live – and would he allow those dilapidated building next to his home?

Not to be limited to the County, Sam is also racking up in other communities with approval for a recent development in Powder Springs.

The Chamber and others will continue to fight the good fight for Dobbins, as they should. They now have support from the Governor on this issue which should move the needle. Meanwhile, Cobb voters are stuck with the “bill of goods” sold to them by Cupid who promised better if she was elected. For South Cobb, we have been hoodwinked as we have not seen better, just more of the same nothing. The only good fortunes in South Cobb is going to Garvis Sams.

SPOTLIGHT encourages the community to tune into Cobb’s version of the Wheel of Fortune as it will only get better for Sams as he continues to get richer on the backs of Cobb County citizens. We urge you to participate in our community any and all ways that you can. Go to meetings, watch Cobb TV, and be willing to speak out. Become a faithful viewer of Cobb County’s Wheel of Fortune as you get to see your government at work – up, close and personal – and understand who is benefiting off of the backs of taxpayers while getting sweetheart deals and contracts thanks to Vanna and her supporting cast.



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