Straight from the Mike…shoes too big to fill right away

This week I will travel to Washington, DC, and ultimately to Arlington Cemetery to witness and participate in the final earthly goodbye and honor for our past Chairman Mike Boyce. He would often speak of the better angels in our community. He spoke about how right always wins out.
The challenge for our leaders really comes down to where they stand on the tough issues. I think he is pleased to see that we are engaging and reaching out to one another more than in previous times. The bounty that comes from the harvesting of good political will and commitment to positive change truly means progress for our community.
In Mike Boyce, our community lost a fervent supporter, a true Dr. King believer, and a tireless advocate for a beloved community. It is likely to take a number of years to see the footprints of Mike Boyce erased from the paths that he blazed in our midst. Additionally, it is likely that it will be a long time before another such leader comes forth with the ability to see over the horizon with his unique compassion, vision, and willingness to get down in the riverbed for a better community for all of its residents.
The challenges of addressing the major legs of our community stool remain quite a task. The areas of food, shelter, health, and water can give one pause these days. We are seeing the effects of climate change on the legs of the stool. They cry out for attention.
So as you go about your week, pause at some point and reflect on how important it is that our priorities are finally coming out front and center. We must address them, educate one another about them, and ensure that we have the right leadership in place to face them and lead with conviction and courage.
Thank you Chairman Boyce for setting the tone, leading the way, and passing the baton for the next lap. You are still missed in our midst. The Arlington Cemetery will soon be adding a Marine, a patriot, statesman, and public servant extraordinaire to its rows of significant Americans.
Until next time…
Michael Murphy