Straight from the Mike…The Power of Choice
Whoa! You can relax. This treatise does not refer to a woman’s right to choose. No, it is on another level, which is mundane, and often under appreciated. It is about how fortunate we are to have ‘choice’ now in two critical areas in our county.
First, we have a bevy of quality challengers who decided to courageously step up and put their fate and beliefs out there for all voters to see and evaluate. Our founding fathers had envisioned a ‘rise and fly’ scenario when they formed our democratic republic. You get elected, serve a term or two, and move on. They did not imagine an elected official staying parked in the peoples’ seat, often times, long after their valued service and contributions have peaked.
The word ‘term limits’ would have been so foreign to our founders. They felt it was paramount that one would serve, exit stage right, and come back to experience the public policies that they, in many cases, had fingerprints on.
Yes, despite the law of unintended consequences, mistakes can be made, bad laws and regulations get implemented and, thankfully, we have a repeal process, if necessary. Additionally, it is impressive to see how the importance of primary voting has been enhanced over the previous habit of just showing up every four years and the aura of a presidential race.
I would submit that there is a direct correlation between quality challenger choices and voter turnout. On somewhat of a similar note, the ‘choice’ incentive has now been displayed in the nonprofit, community centered thrust by the Family Life Restoration Center. It is good to see a common sense, yet innovative system now being implemented. It will serve to respect the dignity of those individuals and families economically challenged to obtain wholesome food, as needed. It simply works by allowing each family a set number of items per food category. Each category will offer multiple options to choose from as desired.
We are all familiar with the customary practice of passing out boxes of food, either in person via walk up or the drive through system. The obvious drawback to the latter is the lack of choice. Everyone does not need the same items or have the same consumption habits. You can imagine how widely acceptable and preferred the ‘food choice’ system will be when one factors in variety, less unused items, etc. Items that are repeatedly left on the pantry shelves simply will not be reordered after they are gone. Food, like many other areas, velocity determines availability. It is not a problem to find vanilla and chocolate, other flavors, maybe not so much.
The critical vein that traverses through all of this discussion on ‘choice’ relies on the ability to anticipate, be sensitive to, and feel your client or customer, resident, and voter.
It is becoming disappointingly evident that some of our elected officials just do not feel us. Raising taxes, and fees, especially during inflationary times, goes against even Cobb 101 lessons. Given this broadening disconnect, it is no wonder that the feeling is becoming so mutual, particularly in light of recent issues in the county. So, get involved. Support a candidate or two. Remember the slogan of the League of Women Voters, “Politics is not a spectator sport.”
It is up to us.
I remain Michael Murphy