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SPOTLIGHT Q and A with Mableton District 5 candidates


Stephanie Loose

What do you think are the 3 most pressing concerns for residents in the new city of Mableton?

Sanitation/garbage on our public streets and neighborhoods. Building an efficient Planning & Zoning Department. Getting a Code Enforcement Department to assist making Mableton beautiful.

What are your goals and objectives as an elected official for the new city of Mableton?

I want to be part of the team that establishes systems and policies for our future Mableton.

How would you describe your management/leadership style?

Listen, negotiate, ponder, and consider. Make informed decisions, even if not popular. 

What actions will you take to ensure that high-quality and effective communication occurs throughout the city of Mableton?

Ultimately, I would like a newsletter sent by email to those who subscribe. And for those who don’t, I’d like that content posted on our city website.  

As Mayor or member of the city council, how will you provide effective communication with other members of the governing body?

By speaking in plain English.

What are your plans to ensure that the new city of Mableton has the budget appropriation to meet the needs of the residents?

We first have to understand what our revenue will be before we can prioritize our expenditures. I don’t like additional taxes as so many are concerned about. I will work to have long-term and short-term goals costs fall within our projected revenue.

What do you plan to accomplish in your first 30 days? In your first 90 days?

Hire an attorney. Start work on a city charter.  Be in touch with the Georgia Municipal Association for guidance. Hire a city manager and finance director. As we develop our policies for our departments, we will have to hire directors to head them up.

What is your position on de-annexation?

In our democracy, the majority rules. So, the borders of the City of Mableton have been established. If people wish to de-annex, as long as legal processes are followed, it is their right to attempt de-annexation.  

Describe an ethical dilemma you’ve faced. How did you resolve it?

In my business as a CPA, I have many roles. I have access to an incredible amount of personal information which I could manipulate for the wrong reasons. I choose to do what is right and correct. I have no problem sleeping at night. 

What are your plans for redevelopment for the new city of Mableton?

Working with the mayor and city council we will come up with planning and zoning policies. We will have to take into account what the city residents want for Mableton. There should be a lot of public input into this process.  

TJ Ferguson

What do you think are the 3 most pressing concerns for residents in the new city of Mableton?

1. Tax increases 2. Why Mableton cityhood is important 3. Adding another layer of government

What are your goals and objectives as an elected official for the new city of Mableton?

My goals and objectives are simple. I want to see Mableton the city thrive as the largest city in Cobb County. My desire is to see Business Recovery, Retention & Growth within our city. Realize attainable & affordable housing options while promoting our open spaces and connected trails. And ensuring our world class public service, health, and safety resources for all citizens.

How would you describe your management/leadership style?

I love to delegate and allow people around me to flourish. We win together and I instill a feeling of unity in my teams. I have built my career on facilitating trusted relationships and inspiring innovative thinking with my teams and peers, driving cross-functional teamwork, continuous improvement and being fiscally responsible.

What actions will you take to ensure that high-quality and effective communication occurs throughout the city of Mableton?

From the onset, I have driven my campaign around a spirit of transparency. This does not end with my election. I will continue to drive efforts to talk with people to let them know what’s happening so they never have a feeling of being blindsided. We will accomplish this by having Public Relations and Marketing teams built with the sole purpose of information sharing. We will hold town halls and when necessary, go door-to-door to ensure the residents see their city working for them.

As Mayor or member of the city council, how will you provide effective communication with other members of the governing body?

I Pride myself on my ability to work on highly-effective teams and ensure the teams I am working on are communicating effectively, not to mention being a great listener. I am not a dictator and ensuring every voice is heard around the table has always been paramount to my success. As a City Council member, we don’t have room for politics and my job is to be an advocate for the people of District 5. When meeting with my peers, I will expect a level of professionalism and communication aimed at ensuring all points are understood and we do what’s right for the City as a whole.

What are your plans to ensure that the new city of Mableton has the budget appropriation to meet the needs of the residents?

The budget is going to be my first order of priority, understanding all of the areas we are responsible for, their respective costs, and how we can optimize those costs. I don’t want to increase any taxes for my household and those of the citizens, and understanding where we are and how we again optimize the items on our charter is critical. As a Council, we must be visionaries to see ways to work within the budget to provide top-notch services. In my professional experience, I have often been given a budget and asked to both monitor spending and do more than sometimes advertised. We will be in the same position as our City. And one of the first steps to making this happen is employing a City Manager and City Accountant who are aware of the budget, and our citizens’ needs and willing to say no when necessary.

What do you plan to accomplish in your first 30 days? In your first 90 days?

In the first 30 days, we will establish ourselves and meet the community. I would like to have an event where citizens can come out and see the new unit, meet us, and have their voices heard. This means also having selected a City Manager, City Accountant, and City Attorney. In fact, I welcome this first session to be a very loud but productive session. In the next 60 days, I hope to establish committees for community engagement (i.e., Keep Mableton Beautiful, Activities Council, and Business Relations Council). Because we don’t have a transition team it will be on us to create one. The people in the new City want to be active and in the first 90 days, I want to get them engaged. Also in this time frame, I would hope to meet with the County Commissioners to understand their timeline and begin the creation of a plan for us to begin taking on services. While also having an opportunity to set meetings with our surrounding cities. And lastly, in the first 90 days, I would host a Town Hall in my district to introduce myself and begin the process of reassuring the people of District 5 that I am here for them and working with their best interest at heart.

What is your position on de-annexation?

As I have said in the past. This election and the placement of the City Council & Mayor are in full swing so at this point, blanket de-annexation is not an option. However, once the Council is in place, I welcome any community to present themselves to the council for consideration and a conversation around de-annexation. It has been my experience during my campaign that people want their opinions heard and wants to understand why they have been included in this city. And when I have had an opportunity to express my opinion of the tremendous opportunity, the issues they brought to the table have been addressed. So all I ask is an opportunity to show the benefit for all, have an open dialogue then work to a suitable resolution for all. I personally look forward to working with all the residents of the new City of Mableton to make this a world-class city.

Describe an ethical dilemma you’ve faced. How did you resolve it?

In my professional career, I was asked to present in a meeting with a company that did not agree with my ethics and I declined. My team was then asked to present and because they understood how strongly I felt about the work of this company they declined. I believe in the infinite worth of all people and in this belief, I will not waiver. If you want to talk more about this, feel free to reach out to me.

What are your plans for redevelopment for the new city of Mableton?

As I drive the streets of Mableton, my mind wanders to what it could be. I would love to be able to take a ride or run on the Silver Comet Trail, then head to the Farmer’s Market, back home to relax, then head to dinner, head over to the Mable House for a concert or show then out for dessert. All within 7 miles of my home off Brookwood Drive. So my plans for redevelopment are simple; foster business development, a sense of community, and the means to move about our city safely.

Chijioke Ebbis, MPA

What do you think are the 3 most pressing concerns for residents in the new city of Mableton?

1. Housing – Mableton has continued to grow and with that comes a high cost for housing. I want to continue to foster Mableton’s growth but with policies that preserve and create greater housing affordability. 2. Community – Making the kind of community we want Mableton to be will require an approach where benchmarks with similar new cities must be used to identify the best strategy for best serving Mabletonians’ needs. For example, zoning is integral to how community functions and serves its residents. In my approach to zoning, I hope to create greater flexibility in the structures we allow and encourage expanded walkability and access to public transit.  3. Jobs – Economic Development is crucial to making Mableton a city that attracts the jobs and businesses that our city needs. Along with a flexible zoning plan, communication with businesses to identify important needs and concerns will be integral in any economic development strategy. As District 5’s city council member, I will hold a quarterly business roundtable to get a human-level understanding of the current landscape for businesses in Mableton so that I can weigh my own ideas and the desires of community members with that of local business owners.

What are your goals and objectives as an elected official for the new city of Mableton?

1. Build off what has made Mableton so desirable in its long history while also helping Mableton prosper with what a 21st Century city needs. 2. Develop a comprehensive city budget that meets the needs of Mableton. 3. Expand and preserve housing affordability, especially for our seniors. 4. Expand access to transit and greater transportation options. 5. Attract diverse businesses so that Mabletonians won’t have to drive far to get what they need while also preserving quality businesses in Mableton. 6. Improving roads and landscape in Mableton, especially our major corridors such as Veterans Memorial Highway and Mableton Parkway.

How would you describe your management/leadership style?

I have an open-door policy. I like to give those I manage clear expected deliverables and deadlines but with the flexibility to approach the project in a number of ways. I always say that you are never too smart to learn something new, so I always make sure to foster an atmosphere of empathy and listening while making sure the focus is on the goal and solutions.

What actions will you take to ensure that high-quality and effective communication occurs throughout the city of Mableton?

I will update constituents and the city as a whole with regular newsletters along with periodic town halls. The methods of communication will vary between in-person, Zoom, and social media so that those with limited ability to attend meetings can access updates from me and other representatives.

As Mayor or member of the city council, how will you provide effective communication with other members of the governing body?

Effective communication with colleagues will require aggressive advocacy for my constituents as well as a strong sense of order and civility. We will disagree, but it is important that civility and decorum are maintained both to ensure that the discussion stays on solutions and also to set an example of how local government should operate. This goes for other council members as well as the mayor and county officials.

What are your plans to ensure that the new city of Mableton has the budget appropriation to meet the needs of the residents?

The feasibility study will be an important benchmark for our city’s budget, but it cannot be the only one. We will benchmark with other similar new cities such as Peachtree Corners and Tucker that despite obvious differences can be a useful tool in ensuring the City of Mableton’s budget is comprehensive and feasible.

What do you plan to accomplish in your first 30 days? In your first 90 days?

30 Days 1. Form a city budget. 2. Determine the level of city services that will be handled in-house or with a consulting firm similar to Sandy Springs in its first years.3. Hire a city manager. 90 Days 1. Hire city staff whether that be directly through the city or with our chosen consulting firm. 2. Develop a city zoning plan. 3. Identify and develop a code enforcement plan.

What is your position on de-annexation?

The feasibility study included the unincorporated areas of South Cobb surrounding the Mableton census-designated place (CDP) which is also part of unincorporated Cobb. I understand that some may want to secede from the City of Mableton and I understand the motivation for the concerns leading to calls for secession. Fear of the unknown is understandable, especially regarding property taxes (which was not a funding source of the feasibility study), but given how long neglected much of South Cobb has been, we will be much more effectively united than divided. I just challenge those who want to secede to give the City of Mableton a chance. We have a stronger voice in improving and developing our community the way we want when we work together.

Describe an ethical dilemma you’ve faced. How did you resolve it?

In my career in public administration/policy especially in affordable housing, there are often competing interests. Very often when reviewing applications from developers for funding to develop housing, there are certain services ideal developments should include especially in regard to senior housing such as proximity to transit, hospitals, and commercial areas, along with the services a development offers. While certain developers may have a lot of sway and influence which they hope may push their development through for funding, I always stood firm in my commitment to safe, quality, affordable housing. That sort of consistency ensured that no housing development would be below standards or lack the critical benefits that we expected especially for seniors.

What are your plans for redevelopment for the new city of Mableton?

I want to take inventory of the multiple approaches we can use and weigh them against each other for feasibility. This includes community improvement districts, mixed-use development, and community development block grants. It will take careful thought and examination, but my goal is to determine the mix that best serves Mableton’s needs now and in the future. The main goal in all this is to foster further development, re-development, and investment in a way that allows for more transit and walkability but will not price out long time residents so that all can enjoy the new benefits of redevelopment.

EDITORS NOTE: Candidate Cheryl Davis did not respond to the survey.


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