SPOTLIGHT Q and A with Mableton District 2 candidates
Monica Yvette DeLancy
What do you think are the 3 most pressing concerns for residents in the new city of Mableton?
Housing, education, community engagement.
What are your goals and objectives as an elected official for the new city of Mableton?
- I will implement opportunities for residents to become civically engaged in the community by providing workshops and hosting quarterly meetings. I will provide joint meetings/town hall meetings with the Cobb County School District and higher education institutions. I will host quarterly meetings on home ownership with experts and it will continue to organize meetings for renters to understand their rights.
How would you describe your management/leadership style?
I am an inclusive leader that welcomes and encourages joint participation.
What actions will you take to ensure that high quality and effective communication occurs throughout the city of Mableton?
I will use the technology that we will put in place and my office will create a monthly newsletter that is distributed to citizens and other members of the community including businesses, associations, schools, and other elected officials who serve this community.
As Mayor or member of the city council, how will you provide effective communication with other members of the governing body?
In addition to regular council meetings and committee meetings, I will be open to bi -weekly meetings and will make myself accessible to work in a collaborative manner as we respond to issues of our community.
What are your plans to ensure that the new city of Mableton has the budget appropriation to meet the needs of the residents?
The budget will be presented to the residents once it is voted on by the council. If the council allows it, we should be open to surveys and feedback from residents. I will work with others to ensure that we work within our budget and that we avoid any increases in taxes, if possible.
What do you plan to accomplish in your first 30 days? In your first 90 days?
During the first 30 days, I will host a District wide town hall meeting to engage the community and get their feedback on the direction of the new city. Within 90 days, I will meet with business owners in the community to see what their needs are. I will also schedule a meeting with our youth and youth organizations from the area to listen to their concerns as well as meet with senior and veteran groups. Gathering information from these groups will allow me to work effectively on their needs as their council person.
What is your position on de-annexation?
I will listen to the deannexation group’s concerns and try to find ways to work within the laws of Georgia to address their concerns.
Describe an ethical dilemma you’ve faced. How did you resolve it?
As a business owner, I have been faced with issues and I have made decisions that were in line with my business ethics and my goal to always operate above board. As a council person, if faced with ethical concerns, I will rely on the law department for the City of Mableton to advise on issues and concerns if they arise.
What are your plans for redevelopment for the new city of Mableton?
I will continue to work in conjunction with the South Cobb Redevelopment Authority department as I have done for years. I will ask for regular updates, ask them to move stalled matters forward, and ask for a concrete timeline on completion of specific projects. I will hold the accountable for making progress on matters important to the community, including Magnolia Crossing.
Kisha Scott
What do you think are the 3 most pressing concerns for residents in the new city of Mableton?
1. How will the new city be funded? 2. What services will the new city provide? 3. What plans are in place for infrastructure and development?
What are your goals and objectives as an elected official for the new city of Mableton?
My goals within the first 30 days are as follows:
1. Establish a transition team: Select a team of individuals who will oversee the transition process, including legal experts, financial experts, and community leaders.
2. Establish communication channels: Create a plan to communicate with the community about the transition process. This may include town hall meetings, social media updates, and newsletters.
3. Assess current services and infrastructure: Evaluate the current services and infrastructure in the area to determine what needs improvement or added.
4. Develop a budget: Work with financial experts to develop a budget for the new city, taking into account the costs of providing services and maintaining infrastructure.
5. Develop a timeline: Create a timeline for the transition process, including key milestones and deadlines.
How would you describe your management/leadership style?
The most desired leadership style for a council member may vary depending on the specific needs and goals of the council and the community it serves. However, in general, my most effective leadership qualities: Visionary: I’m able to articulate my vision for the community’s future. I’ll work well with the other council members and stakeholders to achieve the city’s vision. Collaborative: I’ll work with the city staff and community members to develop and implement policies that benefit the community. Transparent: I’m very transparent in my decision-making processes. I’m able to communicate effectively with constituents.
What actions will you take to ensure that high quality and effective communication occurs throughout the city of Mableton?
Use multiple communication channels: Utilize multiple communication channels such as social media, email, phone calls, town hall meetings, newsletters, and other forms of communication to reach a broad and diverse audience. Listen to community feedback: Listen carefully to community feedback and take it into consideration when making decisions. Solicit feedback through surveys, public comment periods, and other mechanisms. Be transparent: Be transparent in your decision-making processes, and communicate clearly and openly about the reasons behind your decisions. Provide timely updates: Provide timely updates on important issues and decisions affecting the community, and be proactive in communicating information to the public. Build relationships: Build relationships with community leaders, civic organizations, and other stakeholders to foster open communication and collaboration. Simplify complex issues: Simplify complex issues and communicate them in a clear and concise manner that is accessible to all members of the community. Foster two-way communication: Foster two-way communication by actively seeking feedback and responding to questions and concerns from the community. Develop a communications plan: Develop a communications plan that outlines your goals, target audiences, messages, and communication channels. Regularly review and update the plan to ensure that it remains effective and relevant.
As Mayor or member of the city council, how will you provide effective communication with other members of the governing body?
Listen actively: Listen actively to other council members, and make an effort to understand their perspectives, concerns, and ideas. Be respectful: Be respectful and courteous in your interactions with other council members, even when you disagree. Communicate clearly: Communicate your ideas and proposals clearly and concisely, using language that is accessible to all members of the governing body. Avoid personal attacks: Avoid personal attacks or criticism of other council members, as this can create tension and undermine the ability of the governing body to work effectively. Seek common ground: Look for areas of common ground and seek to build consensus around shared goals and objectives. Consider the big picture: Consider the big picture and the long-term implications of decisions, rather than focusing solely on short-term goals or personal agendas. Use appropriate communication channels: Use appropriate communication channels, such as email, phone calls, or in-person meetings, to communicate with other council members.
What are your plans to ensure that the new city of Mableton has the budget appropriation to meet the needs of the residents?
Develop a budget proposal: Develop a budget proposal that reflects the community’s needs and priorities, and includes detailed information on expected expenses and revenue sources. Review the current budget: Review the current budget to identify areas of potential savings or reallocation of resources, and consider opportunities for efficiency and cost-effectiveness. Seek public input: Solicit input from the public on budget priorities and proposals, through public meetings, surveys, and other mechanisms. Advocate for state and federal funding: Advocate for state and federal funding that can support community needs, such as infrastructure projects or social programs. Consider alternative funding sources: Consider alternative funding sources, such as grants, public-private partnerships, and other sources of revenue. Monitor and adjust the budget as needed: Monitor the budget closely and make adjustments as needed to ensure that the city has the resources necessary to meet the needs of residents.
What do you plan to accomplish in your first 30 days? In your first 90 days?
First 30 Days: Establish a clear vision and mission statement for the new city Begin to recruit and hire essential personnel such as a city manager, city clerk, and city attorney Establish legal structures, including ordinances and policies that outline city council responsibilities and decision-making processes. Establish a city website, social media accounts, and other communication channels to keep residents informed about the progress and developments of the new city
Next 60 Days: Work with city staff to develop a comprehensive budget that aligns with the city’s mission and priorities. Build relationships with other cities and organizations in the area to foster collaboration and resource sharing. Develop and implement a plan to establish a city police department or contract with a neighboring city for police services Identify and prioritize infrastructure projects, such as roads, utilities, and public spaces, and begin the process of securing funding for these projects. Build a strong foundation of community engagement by hosting town hall meetings, establishing advisory committees, and soliciting feedback from residents on key issues and priorities
Next 90 Days: Work with city staff and consultants to develop a long-term strategic plan that outlines the city’s goals and objectives over the next several years. Establish an economic development plan to attract new businesses and investment to the city, creating jobs and boosting the local economy. Begin the process of establishing zoning and land use regulations to ensure responsible growth and development within the city. Build partnerships with schools and educational institutions to ensure access to quality education and workforce development opportunities Focus on implementing the city’s strategic plan and budget, while continuing to engage with residents and stakeholders to ensure transparency and accountability. By following this 30-60-90 day plan, your new city can establish a solid foundation for growth and development, and begin to establish itself as an important player in the region. Best of luck in this exciting new endeavor!
What is your position on de-annexation?
I understand that some residents may have concerns about being part of a new city, and I believe it is important to listen to and address these concerns. Ultimately, however, the decision to de-annex should be made carefully and in a way that is fair to all residents. If elected, I would work to ensure that all residents have a voice in the decision-making process and that their concerns are heard and taken into account. I believe it is important to work collaboratively with residents and community leaders to find solutions that work for everyone. At the same time, it is also important to consider the broader impact of de-annexation on the new city as a whole. De-annexation can have significant financial and logistical implications, and it is important to carefully weigh the costs and benefits of any proposed changes. Ultimately, I believe that the decision to de-annex should be made in a way that is transparent, inclusive, and fair to all residents. As a candidate, I am committed to working toward solutions that benefit the entire community and uphold the values of fairness, transparency, and accountability.
Describe an ethical dilemma you’ve faced. How did you resolve it?
As a project manager, I was once faced with a decision to cut corners on quality in order to meet a tight deadline. While this would have allowed us to complete the project on time, I knew that compromising on quality could have negative consequences for our client and their customers. After considering the situation carefully, I decided to be transparent with the client about the challenges we were facing and the potential impact on the project timeline. I also proposed alternative solutions that would allow us to maintain quality while still meeting the deadline. Ultimately, we were able to work collaboratively with the client to develop a revised timeline that allowed us to deliver the project on time without sacrificing quality. The client appreciated our transparency and commitment to delivering a high-quality product, and we were able to establish a stronger relationship as a result. I believe that this experience has prepared me well for the ethical challenges that can arise in public service, where the decisions we make can have a profound impact on the lives of our constituents. I am committed to upholding the highest ethical standards in my role as a City Council member and to always putting the needs and interests of our community first.
What are your plans for redevelopment for the new city of Mableton?
I envision Mableton in 10 years as a thriving, vibrant, and inclusive community with a strong sense of place and a thriving local economy that includes the following: Strong downtown: The downtown area will be a hub of economic and cultural activity. Sustainable infrastructure: The city will have a robust infrastructure, with a strong focus on sustainability and environmental stewardship. Include energy-efficient buildings, green spaces, and a well-maintained transportation system. Thriving local economy: We will have a range of businesses and job opportunities. Strong community connections: The city will have a strong sense of community, with residents who are connected and engaged with one another. We will have added more community events and initiatives, such as neighborhood festivals, community gardens, and local volunteer organizations. Senior Care: Public spaces and buildings will be designed to be accessible and accommodating for seniors, with features such as wider sidewalks, curb cuts, and accessible restrooms. In conclusion, our newly formed Mableton in 10 years should be a place that is thriving, inclusive, and sustainable, with strong community connections and a commitment to the well-being of residents. It should be a great place to call home.
Candidate Dami Oladapo did not respond to the survey.