Smyrna Police Lt. Louis Defense named Citizen of the Year

During last week’s meeting of the Smyrna Area Council of the Cobb Chamber of Commerce, Mayor Derek Norton presented Smyrna Police Lt. Louis Defense the Smyrna Citizen of the Year award.
Defense is the crime prevention and public information officer for the Smyrna Police Department. In his public information role, Defense speaks on behalf of the police department to news organizations. Defense has worked for the city’s police department since 2000. He previously served in uniform patrol and was the supervisor of the Community Relations Unit. Defense also served in the U.S. Marine Corps prior to joining the Smyrna police.
Said Mayor Derek Norton when speaking about Defense, “He is positive, humorous, easy to understand and will help anyone at any time, day or night, for any reason. He does not know a stranger and his servanthood is infectious. Spend 10 minutes with him, and he’ll raise your spirits.”
Upon presenting the award, Norton described his work in the community saying Defense has championed partnerships between the police department and other organizations, mentored youth in local schools, and helped with the Support Smyrna COVID-19 initiative. Norton pointed to Defense being instrumental to police department programs such as college internships, active shooter classes, citizens police academy, neighborhood watch, and women’s self-defense.
Defense thanked Norton, those in attendance, and especially his fellow officers. Defense continued to thank those who had made the award possible and told those in attendance, “This award isn’t my award, it’s your award, because it’s you citizens that I get to engage with on a daily basis.”