Remembering Bob Dole

Former Senator Bob Dole was laid to rest this week after passing away in his sleep last Sunday morning. The 98-year-old had been battling stage 4 lung cancer since January 2021.
Born Robert Joseph Dole, the late Senator was a World War II veteran who was awarded two Purple Hearts after he was wounded by German fire. Dole represented Kansas from 1969 to 1996, first in the U. S. House and later as Senator. He would serve as the Senate Republican leader for more than a decade. Dole also sought the presidency three times, winning the Republican nomination in 1996 before losing to incumbent Bill Clinton.
Dole was well liked and respected by both Republicans and Democrats. His 27 years in Washington allowed him to shape the work that would form his legacy. He became known in Washington for working across the aisle on behalf of the American people. One example is Dole joining Democrat George McGovern to reform the federal food stamp program in 1977. As a disabled war veteran, Dole also championed the Americans with Disabilities Act, helping to lay critical groundwork and ensure passage of the landmark bipartisan law.
In January 2018, Dole was awarded the Congressional Gold Medal for his service to the nation as a “soldier, legislator, and statesman”.
President Joe Biden, along with former President Bill Clinton, former vice presidents, congressional leaders, and friends all gathered to pay tribute to Dole on Friday in a funeral service at Washington National Cathedral and a ceremony at the National World War II Memorial.
President Joe Biden honored his longtime friend and statesman as “a giant of our history” who prioritized principles over party. Biden said, “My fellow Americans, America has lost one of our greatest patriots.” At Dole’s funeral service Biden said, “We served together for 25 years. We disagreed, but we were never disagreeable with one another. I found Bob to be a man of principle, pragmatism, and enormous integrity.”
Dole is survived by his wife of 46 years, Elizabeth Dole, and his daughter, Robin.