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Business Government - Local Law and Order

Red Bull truck crashes into Historic Covered Bridge


The Concord bridge is a historical landmark in Cobb that spans over Nickajack Creek. Built over in 1872, it is recognized as the last such bridge that remains open to traffic in Cobb County. The Concord bridge is also notorious for being crashed into by vehicles driven by drivers who cannot read. As they attempt to make their way through, these motorists defy logic and ignore clearly marked signs as to the bridge’s tight, 7-foot clearance, only to get stuck, tie up traffic, and face the wrath of the county.

With multiple warning signs leading up to the bridge, a delivery truck for Red Bull became the latest victim of the bridge’s immoveable height limit. The truck attempted to pass through the historical structure this week and became wedged under the roof of the Concord Bridge after hitting a beam at the base of the bridge. The bridge and Concord Road were shut down for several hours as crews from Cobb County worked to remove the truck and repair the bridge’s beam. The bridge was not seriously damaged and was reopened hours later. The driver was not injured, but that cannot be said for his truck which sustained serious damages.

The driver’s name was not released, but officials say he could face charges. None has been filed as of Friday.


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