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Nazi symbol proposed for Cobb school logo denounced


In response to the swift denouncement by parents and other groups of the proposed elementary school logo that resembles the Nazi eagle crest, the Cobb County School District has halted the logo’s rollout. 

Upon it being revealed, parents immediately pointed out the similarities to Nazi iconography that the proposed logo for East Side Elementary in Marietta depicted. It had an eagle, the school’s mascot, over the initials ES. The Nazi eagle, a symbol for white supremacists worldwide, depicts an eagle holding a swastika in its talons. 

Cobb County, which is Georgia’s second-largest school district, said in a statement sent to parents that it had halted the rollout of the logo and was reviewing necessary changes. “We understand and strongly agree that similarities to Nazi symbolism are unacceptable.” In an attempt to defend the indefensible, the district said the logo was chosen to “represent the eagle soaring into excellence and to honor the history of our great school.” 

Cobb schools officials say the logo for East Side Elementary was based on the U.S. Army colonel’s eagle wings, but some have complained about its similarity to the Nazi eagle. 

What is even more shocking is that East Side Elementary is located across the street from a synagogue. The logo drew immediate condemnation on social media with parents pointing out the major oversight of the county and suggesting they did not see the similarities or did not care. Many said they did not want their children wearing that symbol. 

This latest racial insensitivity joins a long list of complaints that have come from parents and students on how Cobb handles the issues of race including antisemitism in Cobb schools. 

During the last school year, Cobb found graffiti depicting swastikas in two Cobb County high schools during the Jewish High Holidays while middle school students were disciplined for sharing antisemitic imagery on social media. Black students have also lodged complaints and raised concerns about the racism they are subjected to by their white counterparts while at school. 

A report by the Anti-Defamation League says antisemitic incidents in Georgia more than doubled between 2020 and 2021.
Dov Wilker, director of the American Jewish Committee Atlanta region said, “This is not the first time Cobb County schools have been tone-deaf to antisemitism. Pretending that antisemitism doesn’t exist won’t make it go away. The children who attend Cobb County schools — and their families — deserve better.”


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