Is the rush to ban CRT in Georgia racism hiding in plain sight?
Critical Race Theory, developed in the 1970s, seeks to highlight how racism influences all aspects of society and how past systemic inequities continue to shape policies. At Governor Kemp’s urging, the Georgia Board of Education issued a five-page resolution that schools should not teach that anyone is “inherently racist, sexist, or oppressive” just because of their race or gender or is responsible for past acts by people of the same race or gender and that no one “should feel discomfort, guilt, anguish, or any other form of psychological distress on account of his or her race or sex.”
Kemp applauded the actions of the board that he appointed for their opposition to teaching CRT and “for making it clear this dangerous, anti-American ideology has no place in Georgia classrooms.” Their resolution did not directly address critical race theory, however, it seemed to address many of the concerns held by groups opposed to teaching it in schools and is the new dog whistle that is getting attention.
What Kemp and the Board of Education failed to do in their rush to ban CRT was offer an alternative plan. In Europe, students are taught about the atrocities of the Holocaust. It is not hidden, it is not banned, and it is not a subject that is forbidden to be discussed. It is taught to gain understanding of an ugly history that should never be forgotten.
First, let me say that I do not believe every decision made in our community has something to do with race. However, the mass scramble to denounce Critical Race Theory (CRT) and the 1619 project has me rethinking my position.
I witnessed the blundering actions of Governor Brian Kemp, the Georgia Board of Education, and Cobb County Schools to whip up a crowd against something they cannot even define. I chose to use the adjective ‘bumbling” because none of them can truly tell you what they are banning, only that the other guy did it and that was good enough for them. I saw the angry faces of white parents, along with their “ban CRT signs”, who have been whipped into a frenzy while falsely told that CRT teachings will harm their children. Two even wore t-shirts that threatened violence if CRT was not banned.
Sometimes decisions are made are out of stupidity, ignorance, lack of empathy, and so on. When those things are wrapped in racism, then we have a problem and I think that is what is going on with the communal rush to ban CRT.
It appears that I am not alone in my thoughts. This week, students and teachers came together to deliver a petition containing nearly 7,000 signatures, in support of teaching Critical Race Theory in schools to the Georgia Board of Education and to Gov. Brian Kemp. The event was organized by Civic Georgia, a group that opposes the state Board’s resolution to limit classroom discussions of race. Following the delivery of the petition, the group rallied outside the offices.
How do Kemp, the Georgia Board of Education, and Cobb County Schools plan to stop people in Georgia and Cobb County from talking about racism and slavery? Did they really think this one out before they all jumped on the bandwagon to denounce CRT? This topic is not going away, so stay tuned.