Is Cupid spending more tax-payer dollars to commemorate Civil War?
In the wake of a year marked by massive protest around the country against racial injustice, Cobb Chair Lisa Cupid and the Board of Commissioners are scheduled to hold a meeting on Tuesday to discuss funding for the latest Civil War themed park. They are pushing to create this in our South Cobb community of Mableton, which residents do not support.
As cities around the country are removing these names and commemorations, Cobb and it’s backwards looking leadership continues to find ways to commemorate something that has no honor, the war between the states that was fought to keep blacks enslaved. According to records maintained by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), protests across the U.S. prompted officials and activists to remove or rename over a 165 confederate symbols from public spaces after a white Minneapolis police officer killed a Black man, George Floyd, in May 2020. So, why is Cobb Chair Lisa Cupid hellbent on naming another park in our community after the civil war?
Yes, I said another because earlier this year Cupid hosted a ribbon cutting ceremony for a different civil war themed park she pushed through the commission for approval. Yes, in the wake of the George Floyd murder and other social unrest, the black and female Chair of the Cobb Commission supported the naming of a new park in our community after the civil war. This is a slap in the face to blacks and other likeminded people who did not want their tax dollars going to commemorate a war that was fought to keep blacks enslaved. Cupid’s civil war themed grand opening for her park was complete with ribbons, balloons, lots of supporters of the Civil War, and Chair Cupid, front and center.
This all happened right in our backyards without our community support or consent as Cupid contrived with a local group – with limited following – to convince other members of the board that the community had endorsed the park, which was untrue. This group is notorious for attending commission meetings and telling the board that they are there in representation of the community when they are not. Per the last census, unincorporated Mableton had a population of 37,115. How can a group with a handful of followers claim to represent the entire community and why would members of the board accept that they represent the wants, needs, and desires of all of us who reside here?
The Board of Commissioners approved a master plan for the park in January 2020, which would feature nature trails, an educational center, and play area, with an estimated cost of $2.5 million, which is taxpayer money. Who would the educational center they are proposing educate and on what subject with Gov. Kemp and others enacting resolutions to stop the teaching about slavery and race in public schools? In addition, as families in the community struggle to keep a roof over their heads, their children fed, and utilities paid, why would Cupid consider funding this boondoggle, which is exactly what it is as one or two civil war supporters feel that every blade of grass in South Cobb must be named for the civil war. As a member of the community, you should contact her and ask this and other important questions you may have about this matter.
A commission report says the site consists of artillery batteries were built on the hillside overlooking Nickajack Creek, roughly 500 yards from the Confederate lines on the river. What the report failed to say is that these batteries, trenches, and fortifications were built on the backs of slaves like Whipped Peter, the image featured for this article. His image reminds us that he and others were forced to build these or receive the wrath that left the marks he bears on his back.
Failed leadership within our community and the county ignores the impact to slaves and their ancestors each time these properties are recommended for remembrance of a war that was fought to keep blacks in bondage. In addition to the plight of the slaves during this time is the Indigenous People, the true and real owners of this land. If Cupid and company wanted to do something for the community, try something inspirational and motivating like naming the park after the slaves who built these items that they find historic or naming it after the original inhabitants of the land, the Cherokee Indians.
For those who care about Mableton and South Cobb, I encourage you to attend a public hearing on Chair Cupid’s plans to create another civil war park in our community. The meeting will be held during the Cobb Board of Commissioners meeting at 9 a.m. Tuesday.
The meeting location is 100 Cherokee Street in downtown Marietta. For more information, call 770-528-3300.