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Georgia GOP State Convention


Conservatives from around the state were in Jekyll Island this weekend for the Georgia GOP State Convention. Party chairman, David Shafer, easily won support for a second term, but much of the conference seemed fixated around former President Donald Trump and his  false claims of widespread election fraud in 2020 were front and center as attendees discussed elections strategy. They listened to Speakers who questioned the 2020 elections while calling for a forensic audit while supporters seemed unable to separate themselves from lies about widespread election fraud in Georgia.

Incumbents and candidates for the upcoming election cycle attempted to make their case for why voters should select them in races next year. The three-day event included robust cheers and vigorous jeers from Trump supporters. Gov. Brian Kemp was jeered by activists upset that he refused to invalidate the state’s election. Introduced by former U.S. Senator David Purdue, Kemp told the attendees, “There is only one person who’s beaten Stacey Abrams and you’re looking at him.”

In addition to the boos and to his displeasure, Kemp’s critics held signs supporting Vernon Jones, a Democrat turned Republican who is running against Kemp for the GOP nomination. During his turn at the microphone Jones was met with quizzical looks and eyes rolling as he launched into a tirade against his former party, comparing Democrats President Joe Biden, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer to the cowardly lion, the tin man and the scarecrow from “The Wizard of Oz.” Attorney General Chris Carr whose office defended the elections outcome in court, was also meet with boos, with one woman putting an exclamation point to her displeasure as she stood up and turned her back while Carr gave his remarks.

Absent from the convention were Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger and Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan. Some said they were not invited because both have been outspoken critics of Trump. Raffensperger was censured in his absence by fellow Republicans who passed a resolution against him. The former president blamed both Kemp and Raffensperger for his loss, and vowed to unseat them both after they refused his demands to overturn the results.

As the internal friction for the Republicans continue around Trump, critics say they should stop looking back. Pointing to one side that feels they were robbed and the other side who says there is no evidence of fraud, the two sides may never be able to come together for the 2022 election.

Congresswoman Nikema Williams, who chairs the Democratic State Party, said of the Republicans, “They are spreading conspiracy theories because they don’t have an agenda.”


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