Department of Driver Services reminds to never leave kids or pets in a hot vehicle

The Georgia Department of Driver Services reminds all Georgians that it is never safe to leave a child or pet alone in a hot car.
During the state’s brutal heat wave it is especially critical that everyone does their part to keep the most vulnerable safe.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reports that more than half (54%) of all vehicle-related heatstroke deaths in children are caused by a child accidentally being left in the car. For more information on preventing hot car deaths, visit
Important tips to prevent tragedies
- Never leave a child alone in a car, even if one thinks they will only be gone for a minute.
- Develop an exit strategy (Park, Look, Lock) by leaving a shoe or briefcase in the backseat to retrieve with a child when parked.
- Lock the car when one isn’t using it. Even if one doesn’t have a child of their own, a neighborhood child could get into an unlocked vehicle, with tragic consequences.
- Leave pets at home.
- If one sees a child alone in a car, call 911. Emergency personnel want you to call.
For more information, visit