COVID-19 One Year Later

A year ago this week, the first case of COVID-19 appeared in Georgia in a Fulton county man and his son returning from a trip to Italy. The state would soon join the rest of the country in a mandatory lockdown.
Since March of 2020, there have been over 800 thousand cases, over 15 thousand hospitalizations, and over 15 thousand deaths in the state of Georgia per the Georgia Department of Public Health. In the US, the death toll is 500,000.
A lot has happened in 12 months including the search for a cure, the approval of three drugs to fight the virus, and a commitment by government to get vaccines in the arms of everyone who wants it by summer.
We may be on a more positive track than this time last year, but we are not out of the woods yet. So, in addition to getting the vaccine, we must continue to adhere to our COVID-19 practices until we can fully stop the spread. Continue to wear your masks, social distance when you are out, wash your hands continuously, and be safe. Do your part to stop the spread.