COMMUNITY “TEA” for May 2, 2021

President Biden announced this week that 100 million Americans have been vaccinated which represents 40% of the American adult population.
Biden’s administration is launching a vaccine portal to reach unvaccinated Americans.
Health experts say COVID-19 is a winter virus and that all efforts need to be taken to get more people vaccinated before the fall to avoid another surge. They suggest 80% of the American population should be vaccinated to avoid this.
During the height of the virus, many insurance companies voluntarily waived all deductibles, copayments and other costs for insured patients who fell ill with COVID-19 and needed hospital care, doctor visits, medications or other treatment. As the saying goes, nothing lasts forever as insurance companies are no longer waving fees to those who get COVID-19, so if you or a family member gets sick, you will have to pay high deductibles and other fees yourself.
Efforts are underway for drug makers to get emergency approval from the government to administer the vaccine to children ages 12-15.
Doing its part to fight the COVID-19 virus, the Atlanta Braves partnered with Northside Hospital and Cobb & Douglas Public Health as they hosted a vaccination clinic at Truist Park in Cobb County on Saturday. Everyone receiving a vaccine at Truist Park also received a 20% discount at the Braves Clubhouse Store.
On his 100th day in office, President Joe Biden said the nation he governs isn’t racist, but he said Black Americans continue to suffer the aftereffects of 400 years of social, political and economic deprivation, for which the U.S. must atone. Biden was responding to a question on NBC’s “TODAY” show where he was asked if he thought America is racist. Said Biden, “No, I don’t think the American people are racist. But I think after 400 years, African Americans have been left in a position where they’re so far behind the eight ball in terms of education, health, in terms of opportunity.”
Former NY Mayor and Presidential Attorney Rudy Giuliani was awoken this week in the early morning hour by the FBI. Authorities went to his home and roused him at 6:00 a.m. The feds seized cellphones, computers, and documents from both his home and office as they investigate the former Mayor’s dealings with Ukraine. Earlier in his career, Giuliani led the same U.S. attorney’s office in Manhattan that is now investigating him. Giuliani denied any wrongdoing.
Minnesota’s AG has requested a severe sentence for former police officer Derek Chauvin for acting with “particular cruelty” in the death of George Floyd. Keith Ellison asked Judge Peter Cahill to hand down a harsher sentence based on “five aggravating factors” that “support an upward sentencing departure.,” in a legal brief filed Friday. Aggravated factors he asked to be considered are Floyd was a “particularly vulnerable victim” based on his prone position on the ground that posed a “significant risk of positional asphyxia,” Floyd was treated with cruelty and officers didn’t listen to his cries for air, Chauvin “abused his position of authority,” and Chauvin “committed the crime as part of a group of three or more persons who all actively participated in the crime. “Lastly, four of the individuals who witnessed Floyd’s death were minors, with one just 9-years old at the time, the court filing stated. “Defendant thus did not just inflict physical pain. He caused Mr. Floyd psychological distress during the final moments of his life, leaving Mr. Floyd helpless as he squeezed the last vestiges of life out of Mr. Floyd’s body,” Ellison added. He argued that any one of the five aggravating factors would be enough to warrant an upward sentencing departure, and in this case “all five apply.”
A summer gas shortage is predicted as many families get ready to hit the road. Experts are saying some stations may run out of fuel due to a trucker shortage that has been brought on by COVID-19. They say ¼ of all trucks that carry gas are parked. The National Tank Truck Carriers (NTTC) trade group said around 20 to 25 percent of tank trucks will not be moving gasoline this summer because there are not enough qualified drivers.
For all of you lovers of chicken and its various parts such as legs and wing, COVID-19 has struck again. The National Chicken Council says poultry plants have been forced to reduce staff and deal with power outages during bad weather across the states. This has impacted national distribution, but the Council says supplies should normalize in the next few months.
Georgia’s Department of Labor is warning some people trying to get their unemployment claims that there may be a delay due to cybersecurity issues. Unemployment-Benefits fraud has soared during the pandemic and GDOL has detected several fraudulent attempts to compromise the system which impacts 50,000 accounts. GDOL audited personal identification number (PIN) usage and found many using vulnerable PINs. GDOL is implementing additional security protocols to deter the use of vulnerable PIN combinations and protect accounts. For anyone impacted by this, the GDOL says they will be sending you an email about what the next steps should be for you during this process. They are trying to let those impacted still request their weekly payments and file a new claim.
After being closed for 14 months following the COVID-19 virus, Disneyland opened its doors this week to the public with safety protocols in place which includes a limited capacity of 25%.
The Atlanta Braves announced that their games at Truist Park will be open to full capacity, starting with the May 7 home game. The Atlanta Braves becomes the first MLB team to do so.
This week is Teacher Appreciation Week, so take time to thank Teachers and support staff for all that they have been doing to educate our children during the pandemic, which has not been an easy job.
Next Sunday is Mother’s Day, so spend the week getting your flowers ordered, your cards mailed, your gifts purchased, and your dinner reservations made. No excuses will be accepted for not celebrating Mom.
Have a safe and wonderful week….