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Community “TEA” for April 18, 2021


President Joe Biden announced that troops will leave Afghanistan on the anniversary of 9/11 after being stationed in the region for over 20 years. Said Biden, “Its time to end America’s longest war.”

The White House announced new sanctions against Russia for their interference in the 2016 U.S. elections. Russia denies the allegations, claims sanctions by U.S. are illegal, and promises to respond in kind.

Democrats have introduced a house bill that will expand the makeup of the Supreme Court, taking it from 9 to 14 judges. They cited the differences when President Barrack Obama was blocked by Republicans from making an appointment in his final year in office versus how the the Republicans quickly pushed through the nominee of then President Donald Trump, who had less time remaining in his term than Obama. Trump’s nominee received a hearing and now sits on the bench of the highest court.

A House panel advanced a decades-long effort to pay reparations to the descendants of slaves by approving legislation Wednesday that would create a commission to study the issue. For the first time since H.R. 40’s introduction in 1989, the Judiciary Committee voted H.R. 40 favorably out of committee and onto the House floor for full consideration. H.R. 40 is a federal bill that will establish a commission to examine the impacts of slavery and other racist laws and practices, and recommend proposals to provide reparations for redress and repair.

US Capitol Police report, issued by U.S. Capitol Police Inspector Michael Bolton, revealed that capitol officers were hindered by leadership decisions and equipment deficiencies that left the force ill-prepared to respond to the January 6 insurrection.

Health experts say we are at a turning point as more Americans are getting vaccinated each day, however, younger Americans and those who are unvaccinated are contributing to a surge as hospitalizations are on the rise. Experts point to a hesitancy that may be taking hold.

Health experts suggest that once you have been vaccinated, a COVID-19 booster shot may be needed each year to protect you.

A recent story out of New York reflected on a former Black female officer, Carol Horne, who was fired from her position as a Buffalo police officer after she stopped her partner from choking a handcuffed suspect. Instead of rewarding her for her actions, her superiors fired from her job. After a lengthy legal battle and 15 years, justice prevailed. Horne was awarded her back pay and given her full pension credit towards her retirement.

Another mass shooting, this time in Indianapolis, as a lone gunman shot and killed eight Fed-Ex workers before taking his own life. 19-year-old Brandon Hole murdered eight, injured several others, and committed suicide.

Police shooting outrage in Chicago as 13-year-old Adam Toledo, a seventh grader who had his hands up, was shot and killed by police. The Officer placed on admin leave as city investigates

Morris Brown College may have turned a corner after years of financial hardship and plummeting enrollment, as an accreditation agency moves to restore the Atlanta institution’s access to students with federal funding.

Georgia Board of Regents freezes tuition and fees for 2021-22 school year. Tuition and fees will stay the same for the second consecutive year at University System of Georgia’s 26 public colleges and universities.

An Atlanta School will strip their KKK name and replace it with that of former baseball great, Hank Aaron. The Atlanta Board of Education voted unanimously Monday to change the name of Forrest Hill Academy to Hank Aaron New Beginnings Academy. The school had been named after Nathan Bedford Forrest, a Confederate general and early leader of the Ku Klux Klan.

An emergency complaint has been filed in Cobb Superior Court by parents challenging County County School’s mask rules and contract tracing policy.

Norfolk Southern seeks Atlanta’s blessing to remove Confederate statue amid an ongoing debate surrounding the nation’s legacy with confederate imagery and the dialogue on systemic racism, unlike Cobb County that recently held a ribbon cutting for a new park in Mableton they named after the civil war.

Microsoft’s new sign just went up at 17th Street and Atlantic Station and 1500 new tech jobs will follow when they open up during the summer.

Air B&B, the Adecco Group, and Google are following Microsoft’s lead as they make plans to move hubs and data centers to Georgia. which will bring jobs and $8.4 billion dollars of investment to the state.

Georgia’s film and movie industry says they are back at full throttle, with 55 productions underway in the state. They credit their fast return to having placed COVID-19 protocols in place immediately once the pandemic started to provide the utmost protection to those working within the industry.

Actor Will Smith announced he would not be filming his latest movie in Georgia due to the state’s new voting laws. Smith said the law was “reminiscent of voting impediments that were passed at the end of Reconstruction to prevent many Americans from voting. We cannot in good conscience provide economic support to a government that enacts regressive voting laws that are designed to restrict voter access.”

After undergoing an MRI, Atlanta newscaster Jovita Moore revealed she has been diagnosed with lesions on her brain. She underwent surgery on Friday. We all wish her God’s speed.

ABC News has named the first black woman as its next President, Kimberly Godwin will lead the broadcast news division of the station.

This pass week marked the 74th anniversary of Jackie Robinson breaking the color barrier when he joined the Brooklyn Dodgers on April 15, 1947. He played in the league for 10 seasons.

The Cobb Public Library and Atlanta Community Food Bank will have their next drive thru food pantry distribution on April 21 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., or while supplies last, at the South Cobb Regional Library, 805 Clay Road in Mableton. For more information, visit cobbcounty.org/library or call the library at 678-398-5828.

A day care center in Roswell, Ga has come under fire after a parent viewed video images that suggest the center was feeding white children first while black children waited to eat. The corporate office for Kids ‘R’ Kids released a statement from their president and CEO cutting ties with the franchise. Dee Gillespie, director and owner of the daycare center, insists the image is misleading saying, “We know the act was random, and the photo doesn’t show the entire room. We believe if the parents viewed the videos they would understand. I wish they could see the compassion we have.”

Bernie Madoff, the infamous architect of an epic securities swindle that burned thousands of investors, outfoxed regulators and earned him a 150-year prison term, died behind bars early Wednesday. He was 82. His investment advisory business was exposed in 2008 as a Ponzi scheme that wiped out people’s fortunes and ruined charities. Almost $14 billion of the $17 billion he swindled has been recovered and returned to investors.

Going, going, gone is the path for the formerly blocked middle seat on Delta flights as they make plans to put the middle seat back into service after April 30th. Returning to Delta flights are peanuts, pretzels, and Cokes.

As more businesses seek to return to full operations, they are running into a major issue, staffing. Some attribute this to people still being afraid of COVID-19 exposure, while others say they are getting more money from being unemployed than having a job.

2020 Chairman John Loud of LOUD Security Systems has signed on for a second year at the helm of the Cobb Chamber of Commerce.

The Stock Markets closes at record highs amid new signs of economic recovery, which is great news for your 401k’s.

Amazon is launching its own bran of food, APLENTY.

Hope that you have a wonderful week…



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