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Law and Order News

Cold french fries help nab homicide suspect


While in Cobb County placing an order at a local McDonald’s, a Lawrenceville man, Antoine Sims, became dissatisfied with his food and called the police to complain. 

Sims, 24, said he was served cold french fries at a ‘golden arches’ location in Kennesaw. When the situation escalated, management asked Sims to leave. Instead, Sims elected to call the police to complain. Once officers arrived on the scene, Sims pleaded his case, telling officers that the hot fries he ordered were served to him “lukewarm.”  As officers tried to assist Sims, they ran his name through the crime databases and learned he had an outstanding charge for failure to appear in a homicide case. 

According to the arrest warrant, upon finding the outstanding warrant, officers attempted to arrest Sims, only to have him flee across five lanes of traffic into The Ellison apartment complex. Sims then attempted to enter a room in the complex, only to have the residents inside alert authorities. After a foot chase, and the officer having to deploy his stun gun, Sims was apprehended.

The warrant against Sims dates back to 2018. According to news reports, he is accused of setting a car on fire with a woman’s dead body inside. This stemmed from a reported drug deal at his apartment where he is accused of shooting and killing a woman sitting in the passenger seat of her boyfriend’s car. Sims then reportedly took the car to a Lawrenceville subdivision, igniting the car with the body still inside.

In addition to his existing warrant, Sims was charged with obstruction or hindering law enforcement, criminal trespass, and possession of a controlled substance with intent to distribute after drugs were found following a search of his vehicle. Sims is being held at the Cobb County jail without bond.

Kennesaw Police Department arrested Sims on August 5 at the McDonald’s located at 2049 Cobb Parkway near Old Highway 41.


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