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Cobb SCLC and others to host ‘March and Rally Against Gun Violence’


Marietta, GA—The community is invited to attend a march and rally against gun violence on Saturday, June 11, 2022, at 1:00 p.m. 

Sponsored by the Cobb Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC)March for Our Lives, and the Cobb Democracy Center, this important community event will bring together concerned parents, youth, clergy, members of our community, and other Cobb organizations to rally against the unrelenting gun violence we are being subjected to on a daily basis. Everyone concerned about gun violence is invited to attend. 

Dr. Ben Williams, Cobb SCLC President stated: “On behalf of the Cobb County Chapter of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference and the partners with whom we work, including the national youth-led organization, March for Our Lives, I ask that you join us as we bring together members of our community to stand in solidarity with the families of the victims of gun violence around the country and locally, and hundreds of thousands who will be marching on June 11th in nearly 500 communities around the nation, to demand swift and resolute action now by legislators at both the state and national levels to dramatically increase gun safety. We will accept nothing less! You can register to attend at March for Our Lives and on FB at Cobb March for Our Lives, or just show up.”

Who: Cobb SCLC, March for Our Lives, Cobb Democracy Center

What: Rally & March Against Gun Violence

Where: Glover Park in Marietta Square, Marietta, GA

When: Saturday, June 11, 2022, from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.  

For more information on this event, please contact: 

Rich Pellegrino, Cobb SCLC Field Director




Dr. Ben Williams, Cobb SCLC President 




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