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Cobb property taxes due Friday


For procrastinators or those who have simply forgotten, the deadline for property tax payments for Cobb County homeowners is Friday, Oct. 15. 

The county offers property owners five ways to pay their bill:

♦ Online, at cobbtaxpayments.org

♦ By phone, at 1-866-PAY-COBB

♦ In person, at one of three offices (the tax commissioner’s main office is at 736 Whitlock Ave. in Marietta)

♦ At a drop box, with locations viewable at bit.ly/cobbtaxlocations

♦ By mail, at P.O. Box 100127, Marietta, 30061

Per the Tax Commissioner’s website, “Taxes not paid by the due date will accrue a 5% penalty plus additional interest each month until paid in full.”


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