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Cobb County family and friends come together to say goodbye to Chairman Mike Boyce

Remembered as a ‘good and faithful servant’, former Cobb Chairman Mike Boyce was celebrated during a memorial service Friday at his home church, Mt. Bethel UMC.

Hundreds gathered to say goodbye to Boyce who was remembered as a faithful member of the U.S. Marine Corps. Actively involved in his church and the community, Boyce was credited for his ability to inspire and motivate those who came in contact with him. 

After suffering two strokes while he and his wife Judy were attending a leadership seminar at his alma mater, the University of Notre Dame, Boyce passed away at the age of 72 in January. 

Boyce served 30 years in the U.S. Marine Corps, retiring with the rank of colonel He served as Cobb Chairman from 2017-2020. During his tenure as the head of Cobb’s government, Boyce showed great love and devotion for the people of Cobb. 

A tearful Judy Boyce fondly remembered her husband, his simple ways, and his love for Panda King and McDonald’s. “They’re low standards, but they’re mine,” she recalled him telling her, prompting more chuckling from the audience. 

Son Kevin held back tears as shared stories of his dad. He told those gathered about being in another country when he met someone who knew his dad – smiling, he remarked how he and his siblings always said there was no place they could go where someone there did not know their dad. 

Retired Mt. Bethel senior pastor Rev. Randy Mickler and his successor, Dr. Rev. Jody Ray also shared their memories of Mike as well as a fellow church member and former Army officer Bob Babcock. Babcock talked about Boyce’s efforts to help his fellow veterans to sign up for their benefits including one who was able to go to a VA doctor, with Mike’s unwavering help. The veteran was diagnosed early with cancer and has been a survivor for 10 years thanks to Mike’s intervention. “Mike’s legacy will never die,” Babcock said. “If you want to look for a legacy, don’t look for a monument, look at the person to the left or the right or in front of you, and ask, ‘How did Mike help you?’

In her final remarks, Judy said, “I’m very grateful to God for the 22 years he gave me with Mike. Rest in peace my Marine.”(Watch a replay of Mike Boyce’s service by clicking here.)


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