Cobb County D.A. announces kickoff of Family Justice Center

Cobb County District Attorney Flynn Brody announced this week the kickoff of the Cobb Family Justice Center’s (FJC) “Listening Tour”.
FJC Site Coordinator TaNesha McAuley and Jenny Aszman of Georgia’s Criminal Justice Coordinating Council will serve as tour leaders with a launch on March 1 with Core Partners and service providers.
Cobb was one of three counties in Georgia awarded a four-year grant last fall through the Victims of Crime Act. Worth up to $400,000, the grant is administered through Georgia’s Criminal Justice Coordinating Council. The goal is a reduction in domestic violence, sexual assaults, child and elder abuse, and human trafficking.
“The listening sessions will give us the opportunity to meet each of our Core Partners in small-group sessions to hear why they believe a Family Justice Center in Cobb County would be ideal and to gain perspective into how we can ensure that all of our ideas come together to best serve the needs of individuals who have been harmed by domestic or family violence or other types of interpersonal violence,” McAuley said.
The listening sessions will be held in conjunction with Core Community Partners including Cobb’s Public Safety, Cobb Solicitor General’s Office, liveSAFE Resources, SafePath Children’s Advocacy Center, Inc., Kennesaw State University’s WellStar College of Health and Human Services, and others.