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Candidate Q and A with Acworth Alderwoman Candidate Kimberly Haase


The municipal elections for five of the seven cities in Cobb County are currently underway. This includes Acworth, Austell, Kennesaw, Powder Springs, and Smyrna. The Cobb County Democracy Center, in partnership with Spotlight, believes that voter engagement and informed decision-making are crucial in shaping the future of these cities. Candidates within competitive races have been asked to provide their positions on various issues to allow voters to gain insights into the candidates’ perspectives and priorities as voters make their choices in these local elections.

COBB COUNTY DEMOCRACY CENTER: Tell voters about yourself.

KIMBERLY HAASE: I have been a resident of Georgia for 25 years and have resided in Acworth for 18 years with my family. I raised my three sons and have a fur baby named Christian. I graduated from Kennesaw State University with a bachelor’s degree in political science, where I was awarded a Who’s Who student recognition award in 2016. There, I also became a member of Pi Sigma Alpha, the national political science honor society. I was recognized at the 2023 State of the County Address for my work within the senior community in Cobb County.

COBB COUNTY DEMOCRACY CENTER: Tell voters why you are the right choice for the Acworth City Council and why they should cast their ballots for you.

KIMBERLY HAASE: With a population that is 52 percent women and 48 percent men – along with transplants, people of color, and younger residents – I reflect Acworth’s community today. As Alderwoman I hope to ensure the voices, experiences, and concerns of all members of our community are included, uplifted, and represented in the city hall during regular board meetings, city planning sessions, and development meetings.

COBB COUNTY DEMOCRACY CENTER: What experience will you bring to the role?

KIMBERLY HAASE: I have run many successful businesses with net positive financials and started several companies from the ground up. I gained a lifetime of experience with my business iLoveKare.

COBB COUNTY DEMOCRACY CENTER: Give voters your thoughts on Ethical Leadership and why it should be a factor they consider as they elect the next Council person for this post or ward.

KIMBERLY HAASE: Ethics is important because when you are working hard and doing the right thing you want the elected officials to do the same. 

COBB COUNTY DEMOCRACY CENTER: Other Cobb cities are actively looking at setting up ethics committees to review complaints and remedy conflicts of interest by city officials. Would you consider setting up an Ethics Committee to address unethical behavior in government?

KIMBERLY HAASE: I would support having an Ethics Committee to reinforce to members of government that nothing will go unnoticed. I would like the public to take an active role in making sure our city officials are keeping their promise. The people will be watching and doing the right thing to keep our elected officials honest.

COBB COUNTY DEMOCRACY CENTER: Tell voters your thoughts on Transparency in Government.

KIMBERLY HAASE: Government transparency should be a working body. I believe our elected officials should be honest and true to their beliefs in serving our community with pure motives. However, to uphold those optimistic views. We the people should hold our elected officials accountable. We should follow up on the work they do. If we aren’t satisfied with the promises that were made during their campaign promise, then we seek to find another candidate. Our elected officials should understand that holding a seat is a privilege that citizens allow them to hold. They work for us, not the other way around.

COBB COUNTY DEMOCRACY CENTER: What are your thoughts on Acworth’s economy?

KIMBERLY HAASE: Acworth has increased its job market by 2.9% over last year. Future job growth over the next ten years is predicted to be 46% which is higher than the United States predicted growth rate of 33% (source).I want to collaborate with businesses on creative strategies to ensure they are reflecting the changing preferences and behaviors of the communities they serve. Their offerings and relationships with the broader community must demonstrate a desire to listen, understand, and be responsive when engaging with their customers and communities, especially post-COVID. Companies will have no choice but to reimagine the customer experience for the realities of this new normal, and I want to stand with them every step of the way. The Board of Aldermen must continue to be responsive to this, just as they were with the CARES grant for small businesses. This type of support will not only help small businesses adapt to changing demands from customers – including technology and safety measures. 

COBB COUNTY DEMOCRACY CENTER: Share with voters your views on Acworth’s infrastructure.

KIMBERLY HAASE: There is a need to create resilient and sustainable infrastructure. With smart infrastructure, we are shaping an ecosystem that connects Acworth with the digital world. Making decisions based on data and analytics empowers our customers to make their energy systems and processes in buildings and industries more efficient and sustainable.

 I’m also committed to working with city and county-wide offices to support existing priorities of maintaining and repairing aging infrastructure to prevent or mitigate stormwater damage and flooding impacts.

COBB COUNTY DEMOCRACY CENTER: Share your thoughts on Diversity and Inclusion and why it is important in Acworth.

KIMBERLY HAASE: The city employees of Acworth work hard to garner diversity and inclusion within our communities, businesses, and civic organizations. It’s time for Acworth city council to reflect that same inclusion at the policy level. With a population that is 52 percent women and 48 percent men – along with transplants, people of color, and younger residents – members of our council don’t reflect our city.

COBB COUNTY DEMOCRACY CENTER: What are your thoughts on Acworth’s Public Safety?

KIMBERLY HAASE: Currently there is talk about keeping the standard of “our quality of life” and that it may be safer than surrounding areas that do need improvement. We need to fund our police adequately, so they don’t have to pull patrols from the parks to cover the DUIs. There is no sugar coating the fact that if we are going to host alcohol-related events we should use that funding to help cover adequate protections.

COBB COUNTY DEMOCRACY CENTER: Please provide a closing statement.

KIMBERLY HAASE: I believe I am the right choice for the Acworth City Council because I bring a wealth of experience, a commitment to ethical leadership, and a strong focus on transparency in government. I support the idea of establishing an Ethics Committee to ensure accountability and honesty in our local government. I am also dedicated to collaborating with businesses to boost our economy and investing in resilient infrastructure to better serve our community. Diversity and inclusion are vital, and I aim to ensure that our council reflects the diversity of our city. Public safety is a priority, and I advocate for adequate funding for our police to maintain the quality of life we all value. Together, we can work towards a brighter future for Acworth. Thank you for considering me for this important role.


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