Austell’s Garrett Middle School celebrates 50 Years
Austell’s Garrett Middle School celebrated its 50th year surrounded by current students, teachers, alumni, and past faculty. They all came together to celebrate the school, which opened its doors in 1972 and has seen over 35,000 students walk through its doors. Those gathered reacquainted themselves and viewed old photos of years gone by. The group included Garrett’s first principal, Dr. Franklin Croker. After opening the doors 50 years ago, Croker was thanked for his contributions to the school’s success.
Said Croker, “We had some great people, and I can’t tell you how thankful I am for them. All of them here today are a big part of what has made this school great. I’m just happy to see all of these people in here after all of these years.”
In a speech by 7th grader Michelle Makori, the young student commented on the school building strong camaraderie and culture among its student body. “I can say when I’m at Garrett, I feel happy, and I’m with teachers, administrators, and friends who care and believe that I can do well. I feel like when I am at
Garrett, it’s not only about our academics but also about the memories we make too. The real things we do in middle school try and make memorable experiences. That’s what makes Garrett such an amazing and memorable school.” She went on to say, “I feel like the teachers and administrators take their time to help us, and make the school just more bright in general. When I come to school, I am excited to learn.”
In her third year as Garret Principal, Kristie Brown said, “I love the fact that the community works together. It is great to see teachers from 50 years ago to now. That’s what I love about this community, whether you have been here a week or 50 years, everyone is passionate and wants to see the school and Austell thrive.”